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Proven, Effective, Natural Treatment For All Types Of Infertility and Menstruation Issues

“Our fertility enhancement program is designed to bring your body back into balance so you feel strong, vital, healthy, and alive. Conception and pregnancy then happen as nature intended because your body is ready to bring new life into the world.”

How Jacklyn Found Relief from PMDD with EKAH

Click to read how EKAH helped Jacklyn with menstrual pain and PMDD in her blog post: HOW ACUPUNCTURE IS HELPING ME WITH MY PERIOD.



How acupuncture is helping me with my period.

Sylvana’s Amazing Story About Regaining Balance and Her Sense of Self

Sylvana tells us about her experience coming to Erin Kumpf Acupuncture & Herbs for women’s health: painless periods, better sleep and feeling, overall, more like herself again.



Liana’s Amazing Story About Her Relief From Debilitating Period Pain

Liana tells her story of reversing her debilitating menstrual issues with our help, regaining her life back.


After 8+ years of painful cycles, I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2016. I came to Erin a couple of months post-surgery in hope to find non-invasive ways of dealing with remaining pain and symptoms. This was my first experience with acupuncture and I was greatly surprise by the quick results, especially with nausea. I have now regained energy and have learned how to manage pain naturally. This has been such a big improvement for my quality of life. Thank you! – CS, Jersey City

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